Sunday, April 4, 2010

More Than An Anniversary

More than an Anniversary

By: @ShemaiahC @BeyonceStanPede and @BKMS4Life

Bey and Lyn continue to sit there in silence...Suddenly, Bey begins to have a FLASHBACK....


Beyonce is going shopping today in NYC, and Jay agreed to come with her. It's a hot summer day and bee and jay go without security, just themselves.

Bee: this is gonna be a long day baby, you still want to go with me?

Jay: Yeah baby, its great you are asking me to come, so we can spend more time together. Love you.

Bee: love you too, but dont be complaining to me when you start to get tired of waiting for me.

Jay: I wont. I will be a good boy, only if mommy treats me well.

Jay walks over to bey and they begin passionately kissing as Jay caresses Beys waist.

Bee: I love you so much Jay, that words cant even explain.

Jay: I love you too baby, you mean the world to me and I will do anything for you, even if that includes going shopping with you all day.

Bee: *giggles* thank you.

Jay quickly pecks Beys forehead and walks away to get dressed as Bey stands there staring at him walking away and smiles nonstop.

Bey and Jay are now ready to go spend some quality time with each other. They get into the Maybach on there way to the store while Bey is sitting there overly excited. Bey sees the store Chanel and jumps up:

Bee: Lets go!

Jay: Allright..

Bey Walks into the shop really fast......

Bee: Ohh, look at that!

Bey runs to the rack of clothing...

Bee: And that....And That! AND THAT!!!

Jay: This is gonna be a looooooong day!

Bee: Uhhn Uhh! don't start complaining now! You said you wouldn't have a problem with it. Now here please hold my purse for me while I go pick out some clothes.

Jay: Okay, but I know one damn thing, aint holdin no purse, that can sit over there!

Jay begins to laugh...

Bee: Ahhhh Jay look at these shoes! I WANT THEM!

Jay: Watcha telling me for?

Bey: Jay!

Jay: Okay sorry but will you please pick something...

Bey: What did I say? No complaining.

Jay begins to laugh...

Jay: Aight...Aight...Chilll.

About 3 hours later, and after going to 11 stores, Bee and Jay have finally come to the last store and Bey is trying on this short , strapless yellow Armani freakum dress, but she cant get the zipper up in the back...

Bee: Yeah, hey baby can you come into the dressing room and zip my dress up in the back?

Jay: Sure.

Jay walks in seeing the top of beys buttcrack and begins to smile.

Bee: What are you staring at? Stop standing there and Come over here and zip it up.

Jay: My bad...This dress looks so fucking good on you, it might look better on the floor

Jay begins to laugh while caressing Beys cheek.

Bee: Baby not in here!! The dressing room???

Without Hesitating, Jay picks Bey up quickly not caring about where they are at the moment.

Bey: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyyy Jayyy if u don't mind I don't...I GUESS.

Jay begins to kiss all over Beys neck:

Jay: Yeah You know I don't one is in here to see but us.

Jay wraps Beys legs around him as Bey rip off Jays jeans.

Bey: Ahhhahahahaha!

Jay: Damn bey, if we gonna do this you gotta be quiet! I haven't even started yet!

Jay begins to lick all over Beys body nonstop and inserts.


Jay: You LIKE It Like this???

Jay begins to go harder and harder while Bee has her hands digging into jays back and the walls of the dressing room begin to shake because jay is giving it to her so hard.


Jay: Aight Bet! You know I NEVER hesitate to give you what you want baby!

Bee backs Jay off of her and he falls causing him to fall onto the bench and begins to give him head...

Jay: Ahhhh.....Baby......................Ahhhhh..

Jay is sitting there loving this moment with his eyes closed and curled toes.

Jay: Mmm baby I forgot how you had a deepthroat!

Bey: Only for YOU baby....Only for YOU! Remember that...

Then unexpectedly, Jay releases in Beys mouth and lets out a moan.

Bee: Jay!! I told you about that!!!

Bey continuously spits it out quickly making a loud spitting noise.

Jay: sorry boo, I cant control it!

Bey begins to stroke his package with her hand.


Jay: Well, you be the judge of that baby

Jay stands up and pulls Bey towards him bending her over in front of the mirror.

Jay begins to hit Bey from the back.


JAY begins to go harder and faster as Bey is remembering how he always said he would give her what she wants. Bey begins to bite on her lip and is vibrating continuously.

Bee: we can....*breathing hard* see what we look......*moans* look like in the mirror!

Jay is continuously grunting and right when he begins to get into this moment even more.......

Clerk: Mrs. Carter, are you alright in there???

Bee: *whispers* Oh shit, dont move!

Jay gets annoyed because the Clerk's nosiness caused them to stop this moment. Bey is still in position with Jay behind her as the Clerk is seeing how Bey is coming along...

Bee: Yess I'm *takes a deep breath* fine, I'm just having a hard time deciding which dress to buy.

Clerk: Okay, just checking because you've been in there for a while now. Do you need any help? Do you need me to come in??

Bey gets nervous and says with No Hesitation...

Bee: NO!! I mean, no im fine. I will be out in a few minutes.

Jay wasn't going to let this Clerk ruin the moment. He began thrusting Bey slowly as she is talking to the clerk.

Bee: *moans* Thanks!

Clerk: I will be out here if you need anything.

Bee: *gasp* O....K!!

The clerk leaves then Jay and Bey continue for a few more mins. Jay then releases himself inside of Bey as Bey lets out a huge moan. They both reach a huge orgasm and Bey swings her head back so fast that she cracks the mirror...


Jay: You aaight baby?

Bee begins to rub her head as if she's in a little pain...

Bee: Yea...I'm fine.

Bey slowly gets up and begins to kiss Jay telling him how she Loves him so much.

Bey: I love you baby.

Jay: You know I love you too.

They are finally ready to get back dressed.

Jay slowly zipping his jeans up...

Jay: You are so good at this baby...I mean at controlling how loud your moans are!

Bee: *giggles* I try...When we come out just act natural, and they won't ever know what happend!

Jay: Okay!

Beyonce walks out first with her purse and dresses then Jay comes behind a few seconds later...

Clerk: So how was it??

Bey becomes extremely nervous and paranoid thinking the Clerk might have known Jay and herself just finished having sex in the dressing room...

Bee: WHAT? What do you mean how was it? What do you know?

Clerk: How was the dress you tried on?? *laughs*

Bee: Ohh, *giggles* It was great, I will take it!

Jay whispers to Bey....

Jay: Well you have already worn it out!

Bee: Shhhhhh! *giggles*

Clerk: Okay good!

As the Clerk begins to ring up the dress she finds a mysterious clear stain on the dress that wasn't there before.

Clerk: Ohh I am so sorry Mrs. Carter but there seems to be a stain on this one, it didn't appear to have one when you got here...hmmm..Would you like another?

Bey: *under her breath* oh shit.

Clerk: what was that?

Bey once again gets nervous looking at Jay and pointing to the dress with her eyes.

Bee: Oh nothing...And don't worry about it, it's no problem.

Clerk: Oh no its okay. I'll get you another.

Clerk: Here ya go...

Bey pays for her items and is now ready to finally leave after this long day...

Bee: Thank you so much.

Jay: *waves* thank you.

Clerk: No problem...Thank You have a Nice Day!

Jay & Bey: You too!

Beyonce and Jay walk out the store and get into the car...

Bee: See this is what happens when you be getting hot for me when we are in public places.

Jay: What? my wife is sexy as hell, what am I supposed to do??

Bee: But I will say, you were very good baby..*thinking about it in her head*....very good.

Jay leans over and kisses bey.

Bee: Thanks for coming shopping with was worth it now wasnt it??

Jay: Baby it's always worth it when with you! YOU'RE WORTH IT! No wonder why you are signed with L'Oreal.

Bee begins to laugh out loud...

Bee: And you call me corny? Jay baby YOU TRIED IT!

Jay begins to laugh harder...

Jay: Okay Okay you're right I failed!

Bee: HaHa Yes! I love You.

Jay: Love you too.


Lyn: Uhhh Bey? Bey?! BEYONCE! you still there?!

Bey jumps up out of her deep thoughts a little relieved...

Bey: Uhmmm Yeah I'm here!

Lyn: Okayyyy...maybe I should call you back?

Bey: No.

Lyn: Uhm okay...

Jay walks in unexpectedly with a bundle of flowers and balloons with a huge grin on his face.

Bey: Lyn lemme call you back!

Lyn: *laughs* Alright Bye.

Bey jumps up walking towards Jay with a confused look.

Bey: Uhmmmm Heyyy Jay! *kisses him* Whats all this for?

Jay: Welllllllllllllll You should know!

Bey: *confused look* Uhm No?


Bey: *giggles* Jay thats not today! Thats in TWO days...

Jay: Uh Baby you sure?

Bey: YES! someone's extra excited about our 2nd Anniversary.

Jay: Well I guess...Man so I bought all this stuff for nothing.

Bey: Pshhhh No I'll still take it! Thanks Baby!

Jay: No problem...Well now I feel dumb.

Bey: Why? Its okay! I still love it!

While holding the flowers and balloons in her hand Bey begins to have a nervous look beginning to tear up.

Jay: Whats wrong baby? You don't like it? I mean cuz you know I can take it back!

Bey: No baby its not that...I love it. It's just that......That. *takes deep breath*

Jay: That What?! C'mon you can tell me. You KNOW you can tell me anything.

Bey: JAY BABY IM PREGNANT *burst into tears*

Jay: THATS GREAT! Why are you crying?! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?!

Bey gives a fake smile.

Bey: Yeah. I know.

Jay: But you don't seem excited. Is there more you need to tell?

Bey answers really quick...

Bey: UH NO!

Jay: Okay Okay...Just asking...

Bey: Sorry.

Jay: Well guess I better go get some baby clothes!

Bey begins to laugh at Jay.

Jay: Whats funny?

Bey: Jay we don't know if its a boy or girl yet...So how will you get clothes?

Jay: Ohhhhh...Truuuuuue. Ha...Ha...Well I guess ya know I'm just a little excited.

Bey: *laughs* Yeah I see!

Jay: Sooooo....what now? Can we "Celebrate"??? If ya know what i mean...

Bey begins to giggle hitting him on his shoulder.

Bey: You Tried it...Nah I need to go to the doctors again.

Jay: Why? You're feeling that bad? Man you NEVER turn a little "celebration" down.

Bey: Yeah. But I really need to go. I'm feeling a little under the weather again.

Jay: Okay need me to come?

Bey: Nope. Just stay here and uhmmm....Well just stay here. I'll be fine.

Jay: Alright see you later.

It is now 4 hours later and Bey has just arrived back home.

Bey walks in the door partially excited and relieved.

Bey: Jayyyyyyy! Jayyyyyy where are you?!

Jay runs down stairs excitedly.

Jay: Yeah baby! How'd it go?

Bey: Uhmm...

Jay: Uhmmmm what?

Bey: Well I'm not pregnant.

Jay: WHAT?! But I was really looking forward to having my first boy...Well of course I don't know if it was gonna be a boy or girl but I'm just saying...

Bey: I know I know...Ya see the day I went to the doctors I was extremely stressed. The doctor said that caused the pregnancy test to come back positive...orrr maybe there pregnancy test was just broke or something...But all I know is that I'M NOT PREGNANT!

Jay: Awwww...*sigh* Alright...Oh well. I guess when it's time for us to have our first child it'll come naturally.

Bey: Yeah. It will...Don't worry.

Jay: Nah Bey it's cool.

Jay is really dissappointed but he is trying to hide it but is obviously doing a bad job at hiding it because Beyonce can tell he is upset.

Bey: Jayyy I dont want you to be mad at me, please.

Jay: Bey why would I be mad. I am not mad.

Beyonce wants to believe Jay but she knows he must be mad at her.

Jay: Look Bey I am really not mad. I already started planning something special for our anniversary and now I want to make it happen even more now just for you.

Bey: Really? I was working on something special for you too!

Jay: Aight bet. Well how bout you finish working on that while I head out right quick to finish handling business, k?

Bey: Alright.

Jay grabs Beyonces face and pecks her lips, then kisses her on her forehead. He headed towards the door but stopped and turned around to Bey.

Jay: Aye and dont try and out do me either.

Jay and Beyonce both share a laugh at his silly comment but Jay was halfway serious, Beyonce is always trying to out do everybody and be the best. Which she is.

For the past couple of days Jay and Bey have spent all their time together in their apartment. No Blackberrys, no work and no Mac notebooks. Just the two of them, enjoying each others company. They spent the whole day talking and laughing. At night they would cuddle up and watch movies.

Jay didnt realize how much he was missing out not spending great time like this with Beyonce. With her he felt comfort and free. He never took the chance to notice the cutest and simpliest things about her until now. They went back and forth telling jokes and he couldnt help but shake his head in laughter at how corny she was and how she laughed at every little thing. When they got in bed wrapped up under the covers he would wrap his arms around her tight and promise himself he would never let her go and always treat her like the Queen she is.

Beyonce was in pure heaven. This is what she wanted, just her and her man being together 24/7. She was loving this feeling that Jay was giving her. It was stressless and she felt so safe with him. She couldnt believe how stupid she was to think that Lyn could be a better man and the fact that she slept with him and could have gotten pregnant. She didnt ever want to leave Jay's side ever again. When they would get into bed Beyonce would lay on Jay and hold onto him for dear life. She wished he would never let her go because she promised herself she would always be down for her man.

It is now the next day, the morning of Beyonce and Jay's 2nd year anniversary. As Beyonce wakes up, she notices a trail of rose petals leading towards the kitchen. Before she follows the rose petals she decides to take a shower so she can be fresh for whatever Jay has in store for her.

She is now fresh and begins to call Jays name...

Bey: Jay....Baby? Where are you?

Beyonce begins to cautiously follow the rose petals, having a tear in her eye and smiling from ear to ear. She smells good breakfast as she gets closer and closer. Finally, she arrives to the doorway of the kitchen and sees Jay standing there with roses in his hand smiling.

Jay: Happy Anniversary baby...I love you so much that words can't even describe my love for you.

Beyonce can't help but to shed a tear thinking about how much she loves Jay and how she knows he must love her the same way.

Without saying a word she walks towards Jay and begins to kiss him continuously on the lips. She finally stops and stares into his eyes saying...

Bey: I love you too.

Jay: Here baby, come sit down and enjoy this wonderful breakfast I have prepared for you.

Bey: cant cook!

Jay: Ohh yes I can baby!

Jay begins to laugh, grabbing Beyonce by her waist and smacks he butt.

Jay: More of that coming if you keep critiquing my cooking boo!

Bey: OUCH! *giggles* okay, okay my bad honey!

Jay now starts to put all the food he's prepared on the table. He made pancakes, eggs, grits, sausage, and bacon. He put out the fresh orange juice and everything looked perfect. You could see the sparkle in beyonce's eyes and as she sat down at the table and began to tear up as always. Jay finally takes a seat at the table to join her.

Jay: Whats wrong baby?

Bey: Nothing Jay, I'm just so greatfull to have you in my life and I love you with all my heart.

Beyonce begins to eat but is tearing up at the same time...

Jay: Aww baby, I love you too...please dont cry. What I want you to know is that I will always be here for you no matter what.

Bey: *wipes tears* Dido...

Jay: Who and da hell says 'Dido' anymore??

Jay says laughing...

Jay: Just know I love all of your corny sayings! *laughs hard*

Bey smacks Jay in the arm...

Bey: Shut your mouth! It wasn't corny...and yes I know you love it! *giggles*

Jay leans over the table to kiss Bey smoothly.

Jay: Yeah baby, I do love it!

Bey and Jay finish eating breakfast and Jay begins putting the dishes in the dishwasher when Beyonce comes up behind him and grabs his ass.

Jay: Ohh baby! Now you can't do that and not get me started..

Jay smiles and pulls Bey towards him...

Looking passionately into Jays eyes, Bey says...

Bey: Who says I didn't want to start anything?

Jay: So what are you trying to say baby?

As he cups his hands right around Beys butt...

Bey: This.....

Bey begins to kiss Jay slowly and passionately nonstop...

Bey: Wait! Wait! I dont wanna waste all my energy because I wanna give you my ALL tonight baby...

Jay decides to zip his jeans back up...

Jay: Oh...okay wanna give me your "All" tonight huh?

Bey: Yess.....

Bey grabs Jays package and walks away looking back smiling at him...

Jay: Mmmmmm *giggles*

Beyonce goes to take a shower and gets drssed and when she gets out of the shower, there are once again more rose petals leading out of the bathroom to the hallway..Bey follows the roses and finds a table with a black box on it. It had a spotlight on it and was very decorative...Jay was no where to be found. Beyonce reads the note that was sprayed in her Heat perfume allowed saying...


Beyonce gets in the car and the driver takes her to the 1st place, The spotted pig. Beyonce walks into the spotted pig and see's another black box with a gold B encrusted in it...Bey reads allowed...


Beyonce is loving this little game that Jay is playing with her. She gets to relive places that her and Jay have went to during their Marriage.

Bey: Wow...I cant believe he did all of this for me...for me... *smiles*

Beyonce gets out the car and see's that she is at The Waverly Inn Restaurant. Bey thinks about how romantic it was after the last movie premiere she had attended...

She walks in the Inn and the man points at the black box. She walks up to the box and opens it and finds a note and a key..


Beyonce gets into the car realizing that Jay is sending her to all the places that they visited the most in their 2 yr marriage. Finally, she has come to the final restaurant "Marlow & Sons."
She walks in finding a black box with a note and a red box inside. Bey begins to read to herself...

Bey: "Baby you know I couldn't forget about this restaurant. We made it our tradition to come here every Sunday just to share each others company. This is why Sunday became my favorite day of the Week. Its because I KNEW I would get to spend time with the love of my life. I love you so much and you know nothing will ever change that. Now with the key, open the little red box you see inside the black box. I hope you like it. -Jay"

Beyonce opens the red box and finds a Gold bracelet with words encrusted in it.."4-4-08...The day my life was complete...was the day I married you. I love you Beyonce." Beyonce took a step back and sat down and began to cry...this bracelet was the bracelet her mother had given her when she was a teenager and it had broken. However, the bracelet wasn't the only thing broken...Beys heart was also broken too... Jay took it to get it fixed and put what he felt on it. This mended Beys broken-heart forever.

Bey began to grip the bracelet to her heart tightly with her head down whispering to herself...

Bey: Ohhh my...all of this for me...Just for me? I love him.

Beyonce got back in the car and the driver told her that we are heading back to Jay's Tribeca apartment. Beyonce had a feeling why they were going back there. Its getting closer to the evening when Bey finally arrives home. This time there are rose petals right in the front door leading all they way up the steps to the top floor of their house...Beyonce follows them. She finally makes it to the top. Her make up is now smudged from all the happy tears and she is still holding the bracelet close to her heart. Then, there Jay is standing there with a beautiful smile staring at the love of his life.

Bey: Baby!!

Jay: Hey Baby!

Jay holds Beys head, rubs his hands through her hair and kisses her then holds her hand...

Jay: Do you know why I brought you back here?

Bey begins to tear up...

Bey: Yes, the day we got married.

Jay: Yes, the day we got married was the best day of my life. I have been with you Beyonce Knowles for almost 8 years and it has been the best years of my life. You bring out the best in me and see the best in me, even though others may only see the worst... I never liked being separated from you when we are working...That is why when we touch I never want to let go and I will be holding on to you for the rest of my life. My life would never be what it is without you baby. I love you more than music...yes more than music. I could give all of the flashing lights, music videos, red carpets and music alone and I would still be happy because I would still have you. You are all that I have ever wanted in life and I would never change it for the world.

Bey begins to cry continuously with her makeup even more smudged.

Bey: Shawn...Baby. I don't even know what to say! I'm so speechless.

Jay: *begins to tear up* Baby you don't have to say anything. I will love you until the day I die. Matter fact I will love you even After the day I die! I will never hurt you in anyway again. I love you way too much for that!

Bey: Shawn....I love you and I always will.

Bey is hugging him tightly with the bracelet still in her hand.

Jay: Let me put that on for you.

Jay puts the bracelet on her wrist and kisses her hand.

The love is definitely in the air. Jay bought Beyonce a new dress and wants to take her out to dinner.

Jay: I will be honored if you would accompany me to dinner..* grabs hand*

Bey: Yes baby I will be delighted!

Jay gave Bey the dress...

Jay: Take this and go get ready.

Bey: Okay. I love you.

Jay: love you too!

Bey walks away and gets ready.

It is now 9pm and they have arrived at the restaurant.

Jay covered Beyonce's eyes with one hand and directed her through the restuarant doors with his other hand on her waist.

Jay: Okay open your eyes!

Bey: Awwww its Marlow & Sons! Our favorite place! And Awww the decorations look so pretty! The candles, and the roses, and just EVERYTHING is beautiful!

Jay: Yep! Well you know today is Sunday and I wanted to keep up with our tradition.

Bey: But its so empty in here than usual.

Jay: Well I rented out the whole restaurant just for you. I had them close it so we could spend some time together with...*Begins to sing* Jusssst the Two of us!

Bey: *giggles* Awwwww I can't believe you did this all for me!

Jay: Well you better believe it. Never would I do all of this for any one else but for you...My love.

Bey: Thank you Jay I really appreciate it.

Jay: No problem.

Waiter: Hello how are you two's anniversary going?

Bey answers with no hesitation...


Waiter: Thats good. Can I start you off with any wines?

Bey: Yes white please.

It was also a tradition that whatever one got, the other would get too...So since Bey decided to get white wine this time, Jay got white wine also.

Jay: White please...

The waiter came back with their wine and took their orders for their meal. As they waited for their meal, Bey makes a toast.

Bey: Baby this is one of the best days of my life. I will never forget this day. I still can't believe you took the time out to do all of this for me. Really? Many of my friends and family would tell me that you were no good for me but I didn't pay any mind to what they said. Baby I had faith in you. I knew someday you would change and you have proven me right. I'm so glad to be in your life. You mean more than the world to me. God knew what he was doing when he put me with you. I love you baby. I could go on all night about how much I love you. Thank you for being the husband that you are.

Bey puts up her glass hitting it with Jays then begin to drink as Jays eyes begin to tear up.

Jay: Wow. Thank you baby for having faith in me. I knew I would change my ways one day, but I had no idea you would have been the one to cause this beautiful change in me. I thank God every night before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up for putting you in my life. I love you Baby. I must've said that over a thousand times today. But still that is not enough times for me to tell you that I love...

Bey cuts Jay off leaning over to him with a passionate kiss. The waiter comes out to place their meal on the table and sees them and begins to smile with a surprised look on his face. Bey and Jay were so into it that they didn't even notice him. They remained kissing nonstop so finally the waiter decided to just walk away and let them be.

Bey: Mmmm baby. I love you.

Bey begins to kiss all over Jays neck and face. She then unexpectedly dips under the table, unzips Jays pants and...

Jay: Whooaaaa Baby. In the restaurant?

Bey: Why not? Its only us in here. And the Waiter sure isn't paying attention.

Jay: Aha! Well do what you do baby...Do what you do.

Bey begins to give Jay head starting off slowly then begins to stroke faster and faster.

Jay begins to moan...

Jay: Mmm yess baby. You wasn't lying when you said you would give me your All tonight.

Bey talking with her mouth full...

Bey: If you think just this is my All wait til we get home.

Jay: Ohhhhhh naughty aren't we!

Bey: Yes! Tonight I'll be YOUR Naughty Girl Baby. Just for you.

Bey continues to lick and suck nonstop. Suddenly the waiter comes out to see if everything is okay. Jay is leaning back with his eyes closed continuously moaning.

Waiter: Uhhhh. Sir? Are you alright?

Jay jolts up quickly.

Jay: Ohhhhhh....Uhm...Yes! we're having a great time! Thank You.

Waiter: Haha okay. Where has your wife gone?

Bey stops and jumps up with a surprise nervous look making her almond eyes huge.

Jay: Uhhh. Oh bey went to the bathroom...She should be back shortly.

Waiter: Mmkay thats fine. Just wondering.

As the waiter walks away Bey comes from under the table back into her seat.

Bey: Jay this was a wonderful experience. But I want to go home now so I can REALLY give you ALL of me...With NO interruptions.

Jay: Okay baby! You know thats fine with me!

Jay calls the Waiter over to tell him Thank You for allowing him to rent out the whole restaurant for that day and that they are going to leave now.

Bey and Jay get back into the car and were kissing and flirting with each other the whole ride home.

They have finally arrived home and were now ready for some real love makin.

Bey begins to speak to Jay in a soft raspy voice.

Bey: Baby we're home now. You know what that means.

Jay starts to pick her up...

Bey: Wait Wait Wait...I have to get something.

Bey goes to get the whip cream, chocolate, and strawberries out of the refrigerator.

Jay: Ooooh. looks like we're definitely going to have some fun.

Bey: Most definitely.

Jay picks Bey up and takes her upstairs into the bedroom and lays her on the bed. He begins to kiss all over her body removing her clothes one at a time.

Jay: Mmmm baby you taste so good.

Bey: Mmmmm baby that feels so good.

Jay has now removed all of Beys clothes and now begins to remove all of his clothes.

Bey: Baby we gon have some fun toniiiight.

Jay: More than fun baby.

Bey begins to giggle with her eyes closed. Mmmm. Now who's the Naughty one?

Jay: Still You *giggles*

Jay grabs the whip cream and begins to spray the number 4 on the whole front of her body. Then he places each strawberry around the four and makes a heart around it with the fudge chocolate.

Bey: Ahh thats hella cold.

Jay: Well let me warm it up for you.

First Jay takes a picture of it with his camera then he begins to lick it off slowly.

Bey: Mmmmm yassss baby keep going.

Jay: Don't have to tell me twice.

Jay continues to lick her body until all of the desert toppings are gone then he moves down from her stomach beginning to eat her out. Bey jumps up.

Jay: Baby you aaight? Am I hurting you?

Bey: Nah. I just wasn't expecting that. Keep going. Please!

Jay continues to lick nonstop then Bey finally stops him. She flips him over so she is now on the top and he is on the bottom.

Bey: I told you I was gonna give you ALL of me remember?

Bey looks under the bed and grabs the edible paint lotion.

Bey: Got this from one of my fans. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Bey begins to squirt it literally ALL over his body pouring nearly the whole bottle on him.

Jay: Ahh Damn baby you gettin it in my eyes.! *laughs* Gettin a lil carried away aren't you?

Bey: *laughs* Oops! Let me get that off for ya.

Bey begins to lick his eyeballs and his whole face. She moves to his luscious lips and begins to tongue kiss nonstop. Her tongue is literally all the way in his mouth moving around.

Jay: Mmmmm. I always knew you were hell of a good kisser.

Bey: Well you know...I learn from the Bestest!

Jay: I don't know who that could be.

Bey: Yea...sure.

Bey now moves onto his neck, then stomach, then dxck, then legs, then...

Bey looks at Jays feet with her lips turned up...

Bey: Ehhh. I think I'll pass on those creatures.

Jay: Ohhhh Bey I see you got Jokes! My feet are BEAUTIFUL I don't know what you're talkin about!

Bey begins to laugh so hard that she turns extra red. Jay is laughing hard also.

Jay now puts Bey on the bottom and he gets back on top of her. First, he massages her inner walls with his finger, then he begins to insert is huge package inside of her...

Jay holds Beyonce at the waist while he goes deeper and deeper just how Bey likes it.

Bey is biting her lip trying not to moan too loud...

Jay: Damn I know I got you so wet.

Now Jay is all the way in Bey and she is moving her hips to meet his strokes.

Bey: Uhhhh yes Jay keep it right there baby!

Jay begins to stroke in Bey fast and harder causing the headboard to bang against the walls. Bey can't control herself from this feeling anymore.

Bey: *screaming* Ahhhh Jayyyy ohhh myyy goooo.......

Jay begins to get out of breath, however, still pumping hard...

Jay: Oh shit Bey, daddy handlin' this right tonight.

Bey: Yesss you are daddyyy!!!

Bey throws her head back in pleasure smiling with her lacefront beginning to sweat out.

Jay takes long rough strokes in Bey and she is shaking underneath him.

Jay see's Bey is about to have an orgasm but unfortunately he isn't finished yet.

He grabs her hands from clawing his back up and holds them on each side of their bodies.

Jay: You ready to ride this dxck Bey?

Bey: uh huh yeaaa...

Jay flips Beyonce over on top of him and he sits up a little against the head board.

Bey: I'ma work this. I'ma make this mine!

Jay: Yesssss baby!! yesss!

Bey is soo into the moment that she starts talking dirty to Jay and rides on him slowly..

Bey: I'ma piss on your face... and I'ma fart in your mouth, I'ma shit on these walls, Jay! *shouting*

Jay is looking at Bey with a disgusting look to see if this is still his innocent wife.

Jay: Baby what the hell, I KNOW you ain't quoting Scary Movie 2!!

Jay begins to laugh hard.

Beyonce was so in the moment that she didnt know that she was saying all of these dirty things...

Jay: Look at you babe, all corny with your quotes..but hey you know I love it...

Bey: aahahahaha I know you do.....I'm sorry baby..too dirty for you??

Jay: yeahhh just a know you're so sexy when u laugh...*slaps beyonce butt*

Then he positions her on the top so she can ride.

Beyonce starts to grind a little on Jay.

Jay: Uh uh Bey I want you to have all of me.

Jay begins to push Bey further down on his dxck.

Bey: *gasp* Mmmmm...Yes baby...I want to have all of you...but this might seem better..

Bey slides off of Jay and turns her body around so that her legs are open at his face and her head is right on his dxck. She was ready for some 69!

Jay: ohh heeelllll 69...this is what I'm talkin about!!

Jay begins to eat Bey out again as Bey gives Jay head....but she is going super hard this time.

Bey: *going in and out super fast, and talking with mouth full* AHHHH.....YOU LIKE THIS??...I CAN TASTE U ALL THE WAY IN MY THROAT..AHH...TASTE SO GOOD BABY.

Bey: *moaanns* AHHHHHH...JAYY...right there...HARDER!!

Jay is using his tongue like a vibrator going in and out with various speeds. All you see is Jays saliva all around her walls, dripping and oozing. Then jay replaces his mouth with his fingers. He shoves his finger up there so hard that beyonce lets out the biggest moan in her life!

bey: AHHHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHH!! RIGHT THERE...DO IT AGAIN!!!! *chokes on Jay's dxck*

Jay: U AIIGGHHT BABY?? *breathing hard*

Bey: *coughing* YES!!!! Keep......going.....

Jay: Ahhhhh...ahh....*grips on bed sheets*

Jay is so hard that his dxck is straight up in the air, the head is all plump and wet jus waiting for that last stroke so Jay can release himself..

Bey: YESSS YESSS YESSSS........!!! *still sucking*

Beyonce goes down 1 more time on his dxck then Jay releases himself so hard that it shot all the way down Bey's throat...then Jay jams his finger up into bey's inner walls one last time and bey reaches the ULTIMATE orgasm!





Bey turns around and mounts her self right on Jay's dxck...and Jay grabs on to Bey's ass to hold on because he knows she is going to work it! She begins to ride him again...starts out slow...then faster..then FASTER....their heart rates are increasing...they begin to feel numbness as Bey is going up and down on Jay's dxck really hard!

Bey is gasping, then she quickly burries her head into Jay neck and chest as Jay is gliding Bey up and down with his hands on her waist.

Jay: Bey lemme see ya face, why you hidin'?

Bey: Jayyyyy Im...... Im...... Im about to.........Shhhhhhaaawwwwwwnnnnnnnn!!!

Bey squeezes her arms around Jay neck and leans her forehead against his forehead while she softly bites into his lips as she experiences a powerful orgasm.

Jay: Ahhhhh shiiiitttttt Beyyyyyyyy!!!

Jay grinded into Bey twice then busted again this time inside of her.

Jay: Ahhhh...*breathing hard*

Jay scooted down to lay flat on his back while Beyonce held onto him. They layed their calming down from their high. Nothing but sweat between them. Bey then rolls off of Jay and they cuddle.

Jay: DAYUMMMMM.....Bey...I can't even say anything...that was the best shit ever.

Bey: I told you Jay! didnt I say I would give you everything I had tonight?? Yessss I did!

Jay: *wipes sweat off of forehead* Ohh yess....Beyonce I love you, you see this IV on my finger...this represents that we will be together IVever and I will always be there for you. No matter what and I mean that.

Bey: I love you know baby, we have this bond that is so tight that not even the whole world could tear us apart. I love you so much, you have no idea. Words cant describe the feelings I have for you Shawn! Your the 1st person on my mind when i wake up and the last on my mind right before I go to sleep and I never want to lose that. *tears falls from her eyes* I would give up everything that I have in this world and I would still be happy because I have you by my side. Shawn Carter you are the definition of true love and I am so happy to be celebrating this 2nd year anniversary with you, knowing that there are many more to come. *kisses Jay passionatley*

Jay: This is more than an anniversary to me. This is the day I get to express my love for you, even more than I already do. This is the day I KNOW work can't and will never separate us from each other. This is the day I would turn down any tour dates, interviews or even studio time just to spend time with you. This is the day I cherish. This is truly the day the Lord has made for us and I will continue to be glad in it. YOU...are what matters in my life. I LOVE YOU BOO.

Jay and Bey begin to passionately kiss again then Jay stops to kiss Beys forehead. Bey turns the light off and they both lay on their side as Jay wraps his arms around Beys waist caressing her softly and holding her tightly as they both begin to fall asleep peacefully.