Friday, January 8, 2010

Torn In Between the Two


Created By: @BeyonceSTANpede @ShemaiahC and @BKMS4life

Tonight Jay and Beyonce decided to go spend some time together at the club...When they first arrived, Beyonce noticed a familiar looking guy standing far away.

Jay: Who are you staring at?

Bey: Oh no one...

Jay: Mmmhm...Stay here...I'll Be back.

Bey: Alright.

A couple minutes later Beyonce realizes it is her first love...She turns around really quick so he wouldn't notice her. Lyn too, noticed her but he also turned his back so she wouldn't notice him not knowing they had already both seen each other...

All these emotions came rushing back onto Beyonce on how abruptly their relationship ending, they hadn't seen each other in years. Beyonce sat at the bar then Lynny decided to man up and go approach her.

Lyn: "Uhhhh *deep breath* Heyy. Its been a while I know. *nervous giggle*

Bey pretends she didn't see him at first then turns around and acts surprised...

Bey: Oooohhh hey...Yea its been a VERY long time.

Lyn: Yeaa...So how ya been?

Bey: Oh I've been GREAT! *awkward silence*

Lyn: Beyonce I...I...I never stopped loving you.

Bey: Uh uh um, I dont know what to say.

Lyn: You don't have to say anything, lets go somewhere quiet so we can talk...

Lyn puts out his hand; Beyonce looks around to see if Jay is anywhere around, and is hesitant but then decides to just grab his hand...Lyn smiled and walked to an empty room in the back of the club and had a seat on the love-seat.

Lyn: Sooo yea...well ever since the split i felt so lost and i couldn't stop thinkin about you...

Bey: *puts head down* Oh.

Lyn: Its like i was missing half of me. And baby you were that half...But now i see you dont love or think about me anymore...I mean seeing that you found another guy and all...

Bey: No no tell you the truth I really couldn't stop thinking about you....Aaaannnnd...Well I just found another guy to take my mind off of it but I don't think nothing will ever stop me from thinking about you.

Lyn: Really?

Bey: Really.

Lyn: So what if I wanted you back? Would you want to start over?

Bey: Wow Lyn I mean I dont know this is all so...sudden.

Lyn: We dont have to rush but if you really love someone then it should come natural.

Bey: Okay, I understand but there is just so much that has happened between and so many memories we shared, this is hard for me.

Lyn: Yea...I understand. Plus you have another man so i guess me and you might as well be through forever *drops head*

Bey: *stares at him teary eyed*

Lyn: *looks up*

They begin to stare at each other in the eyes...Both reminiscing on all the memories they've shared together...Suddenly and unexpectedly they go in slowly for a kiss...

They continue to kiss, then Lyn slowly pushes Bey down on the couch and hovers over her while they kiss. He started to lift up her dress and massage her thighs until Bey softly pushed him away and stopped.

Bey: Lyn I dont think we should be doing this.

Lyn: Why? Does it feel wrong?

Bey: I have a man now.

Lyn: But does this feel wrong?

Bey: No.

Lyn: Then dont fight me..I mean, well, Don't fight us...

Bey: Please don't take it the wrong way.

Lyn: No I understand, you found a new man to share memories with despite the fact that we've shared SO MUCH together even our "First Time" together...But it is what it is.

Bey: Noooo...Please. Don't play the guilt game on me! It's just that...Well...I dunno...But I really do still love you...Really!

Lyn: Well, Okay, If you say so. Like I said...I understand.

Lyn begins to walk away slowly, heart-broken, thinking about how the girl who once held his heart is now with another guy.

Bey: No Lyn...Please comeback!

Lyn continues to walk off slowly as if he didn't hear bey...Then bey proceeds after him...

Beyonce catches up to Lyn and kisses him again.

Lyn: Beyonce what are you doing, you have a man remember?

Bey: But I want you Lyn, I swear I never stopped loving you, you've had this hold on me that I just can't explain...

Lyn: I don't want to play games with you Bey, one minute you deny me, now you want me...What is it?

Bey: Lyn I DO WANT YOU BACK BABY! I really do!

Lyn becomes speechless...

Suddenly, Jay comes back.

Jay: YOOOOOO, YOOOOOO...Uhm Hello and you are?

Bey has a disgusted and irritated look...

Lyn: Uhm...Hi? Uh wait you're Beyonce's uhhh...well you know.

Jay: YES BEYONCE IS MY GURL...C'mon B' Lets go!

Jay grabs bey away from Lyn as bey looks back and stares at Lyn non-stop with a sad look....

Lyn mouthed "I love you" to Bey...making her want to cry...

Jay led Bey all the way to their car and they got in.

Jay: Yo who was that dude you was talking to and why was yall back there?

Bey just stares out the window giving no answer...

Jay: I know you hear me bey, don't play.

Bey: Not now Jay, Just Drop it!

Jay: Oh word? What you fucking with him or something? I don't want you talking to him anymore...

Bey: You don't own me.


Bey: Jay STFU I'm getting tired of you tryna control me!

Jay: *smirk* Aha I know you ain't getting smart again...Now Imma ask you one more time...WHO WAS THAT NIGGA?

Bey: *Blank stare and mumbles* My ex...


Bey leans on the door and becomes teary eyed once again thinking about the wonderful relationship her and Lyn once had...

Jay: *interrupts Beys thoughts* You Gonna stop ignoring me!

Bey: *puts hands on head* I can't take this...Please pull the car over.



Jay: For?


Jay finally pulls the car over. Bey opens the door to let herself out.


Bey: Don't worry about it...

Jay: C'mon Baby I'm sorry! Please just get back in...

Bey: Jay, I just need sometime to myself.

Jay: Nooo Baby please Don't do this to me...I love you too much to leave you here.

Bey: Jay Please...Go.

Jay doesn't pull off...

Bey: Jay...

Jay: I'm not leaving you here...


Jay finally drives off with intentions of coming back for her just to see if she's still there because he doesn't think she's really going anywhere...

Bey sits down on this bench near by and cries her eyes out, she loves Jay but she was truely fed up with his moody ways and him trying to control her all the time...

Not knowing Lyn was following them the whole time, he pulls up beside her...

Lyn: Beyonce...Are you okay?

Bey: OMG LYN YOU SCARED ME! What are you doing here?!

Lyn: Uhm...I kinda followed y'all...I just couldn't let you get away from me again...

Lyn takes a seat next to Bey and puts his hand on her thigh...

Bey: Wow Lyn, I didn't want to leave you either, but you saw what happened...

Lyn: Its alright, here Bey take my jacket...You're shivering...

Bey: Thanks...

Lyn: So that was your man huh?

Bey: *nods*

Lyn: Well he doesn't deserve you....I mean no matter what you said I STILL wouldn't have left you on the side of the road like that...

Bey: I know But its kinda my fault...I told him to leave...

Lyn: *laughs* SO?! Never should you be left on the side of the road...Don't give a shit what you said *laughs*

Bey: *giggles* I guess you're right...

Lyn: No...I KNOW I'm right *laughs*

Bey: *giggles* Shutup...

Bey: Sooooooo...

Lyn: Yeaaaa Soooo...haha uhm yea we finally get to be alone and we have nothing to say to each other.

Bey: *giggles* I know right...Awkward huh. But seriously, after we split the first time, I thought I'd never see you again...

Lyn: Aww....Well I thought otherwise...I knew I'd see you sometime again...No matter what happened!

Bey: Awww...Well looks like you were Right again...

Lyn: Haha I know!


Lyn: Bey I know I keep telling you this but...I LOVE YOU! I can keep saying it all night, But I really do!

Bey: Awww I love you too...I thought I would be able to get over you...But I finally realized that wasn't happening...

Lyn: Yea.

Bey: *shivers* Yea...kinda chilly out here...

Lyn: I know...Lets get in the car...I don't want you catching pneumonia!

Bey hesitates to get in because she knows there may be a possibility of Jay coming back for her...

Lyn: Soooo are you coming in or would you rather just sit out here freezing your ass off? *laughs*

Bey: *giggles* Wellllllll...I am freezing...I guess I'll just get in!

Once they get in the car Beyonce spaced out into her own world and Lyn noticed.

Lyn: Bey, Whats the matter?

Bey: *sighs* I dont know what I'm going to do tonight, I don't want to go home and argue with Jay and its too late to bother any of my family. Can you take me to a hotel?

Lyn: No

Bey: *confused expression* What....why?

Lyn: Bey you can stay with me thats why...girl you know I aint about to let you stay at no hotel alone, are you kidding me?

Bey: Are you sure Lyn, I dont want to be in your way.

Lyn: Beyonce stop, you know I'll be more than glad to have you stay with me. *smiles*

Bey: Thanks so much Lyn, I see you really do care about me.

Beyonce is just so grateful for Lyn right now she leans over and pecks his lips a few times.

When they pulled apart, they smiled at each other, then Lyn pulled off and they headed to his house in silence.

They arrived at Lyn's house about 30mins later.

Lyn: So this is my house, make yourself comfortable and I'll go fix up the guest room for you, let me know if you need anything.

Bey: Okay *she sat on the couch and turned on the tv flipping through the channels*

About 15mins later Lyn came downstairs and saw that Beyonce had fallen asleep on the couch. She looked so peaceful and beautiful that he couldn't help but smile.

He didn't want to wake her but he didn't want for her to sleep on the couch either.

Lyn decided to carry Bey upstairs to her guestroom. When they were together before he would have to carry her up to his room because she would always fall asleep while they were watching a movie and it would be too late to bring her home.

Lyn had made it up the stairs and into the room to lay her down, he took off her clothes and put one of his big shirts on her, then pulled the covers over her and kissed her on the forehead,

All through the night Beyonce had been tossing and turning in bed, she was so used to sleeping in Jays arms that its hard for her to find sleep while alone. She decided she would go ask Lyn if she could sleep with him in his room, I mean he did say ask if she needed ANYTHING she thought.

Bey: *knocking on his bedroom door before going in* Lyn are you sleeping?

Lyn: Not anymore, I guess. *giggling*

Bey: Im sorry, but I couldnt sleep, can I sleep in your bed tonight?

Lyn: Yea sure c'mon *flipping back the covers and patting a spot next to him*

Beyonce got in the bed and instantly snuggled up next to Lyn. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her. This moment is bringing back memories to both of them from when they were young.

Bey: Lyn?

Lyn: Yea?

Bey: Thank you.

Lyn: *kisses Bey on the forehead*

Bey: Lyn?

Lyn: Yea, Bey?

Bey: I love you.

Lyn: I love you too.

Bey: Lyn?

Lyn: Yes, Beyonce? *giggling*

Bey: I want you to make love to me.

Lyn is taken back, but when he looked down at her he saw she was staring at him with passion in her eyes.

Lyn: You sure about this baby?

Beyonce: *nods* Yes, I need you...

Lyn softly pushed her on her back. While Beyonce is staring up to him with much passion in her eyes...

Lyn begins to give her a very passionate kiss...Very slow and smooth...They soon begin to tongue kiss non stop while Bey is softly grabbing onto Lyn's head rubbing and stroking it back and forth...

Lyn: You Reeeaallly sure you wanna do this?

Bey didn't give Lyn an answer but began to pull off his boxers as Lyn began to pull his t-shirt off.



Lyn: *laughs* okay...okay...fiesty aren't we.

Lyn begins to enter in Bey slowly while planting kisses all over her body as Bey makes a passionate moan.

Bey: AHH.....Lyn, I Love You...

Lyn: Are you in pain?

Lyn pushes more of himself inside of Bey.

Bey: *moans*Noo Noo... AHH THAT FEELS SO GOOD...Deeper...Deeper Lyn.

Lyn begins to go in deeper as Bey becomes overwhelmed.

Both of them are staring into each others eyes and a tear slowly begins to fall from beyonce's soft skin. She can feel it in her heart that she is still in love with Jay but when Lyn came back into her life it brought back so many memories and she doesn't want to loose them again.

Lyn stops for a second...

Lyn: Baby, whats wrong?? Am I hurting You?

Bey: *hesitates* Noooo...Keep goin!...I Love You..

Lyn: I love you too...*begins to go in and out of bey again faster*

Bey spreads her legs wider, allowing Lyn to go faster and deeper.

Bey: *grabs back of lyn's head* AhHHHH...BABY...AHHH..

Bey pushes Lyn off of her to the other side of the bed and jumps on top of him and begins to ride him..she puts her hands on his chest and swings her hair back..

Bey: AHHH....*grinding harder on him*

Lyn: OHHH bey...OHHH...

Bey: IM GONNA MAKE THIS MINE...*goin reallly hard on Lyn*

Lyn: HELL Yeahhh!! Hell YEAHH! AHHH... *grabbing beyonce boobs *

Lyn pushes Bey off of him bak to the other side of the bed and he gets on top of her..

Lyn: OHH SO U LIKE IT ROUGH!!?? * thrusting in and out of bey*


Bey is becoming hotter and hotter and begins to take deep breaths, gasping and moaning.

Lyn: *sweating* AHHHH....

Bey: *MOANS* AHHHH....AHHH....AHHH....Shiiittt *Gasp*

A few seconds later, they both reach a Huge was soo hot and heavy that Lyn didn't realize he never put a condom on and he released himself inside of bey...but neither of them cared. The love was so strong.

Lyn: AHHHH!! *breathing hard*...

Bey: OHHHH...Ohhhhh!!

Her and Lyn roll over and beyonce slides down and begins to suck him...

Lyn: AHHH...DAMNN BABY U GOOD AT DIS...*curls toes*

Bey: *licks lips* MMMMMMM....

Bey: *goin faster and faster* MMMM....

Lyn: *moans* AHHHH....*busts in her mouth*

Bey moves back extremely quick and spits it out knowing how much she hates when that happens...


Beyonce stops and realizes she isnt with Jay and she only says that when she does it with Jay...

Lyn: *looking puzzled* WHAT...??

Bey: *thinking to herself*.... OH nothing...

Bey just stops and sits on the edge of the bed looking down. As Lyn puts his boxers on and sits beside her on the bed with his arm around her.

Lyn: Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong? Because you know I cant control that *giggles*

Bey: *chuckles* Nothing....I just...i just feel so confused...

Lyn: Confused about what?

Bey: Lyn I just cheated on my husband with my tell me that you wouldn't be confused if you were in the same situation!! I love you and I love Jay...When we broke up I just wasn't myself anymore and i felt like i lost apart of myself when u left..then Jay came into my life..

Lyn: Baby..i understand what you mean but I love you and I wont do whatever Jay is doin to you to make you sad...we should have never broken up! Beyonce I thought of you all the time and I thought I wud never see you again .

Bey: *tearing up* Yes I know, I love you too..but...its jus too hard for me to do all this right now. Lets go to sleep please....I dont want anything else to happen..because I know right now I could jump on top of you again. *giggles*

Lyn: *giggles* Who is stopping you? *giggles*

Bey: *giggles* No im serious....because i dont want it to feel like you are taking advantage of me durin dis hard and confusing time.

Lyn: But I'm not..I love you and I would never do that to you. And I asked you if you were sure about this...This is why I kept asking you over and over again because I knew you would change your mind....But whatever I don't want to start an argument so lets just go to sleep. okay?

Bey: Yeaaahhh I know, its my fault...But being in bed with you in your arms just made me crave you...But Okay, thanks for listening. I think I am going to go call Jay.

Bey gets up and begins to return to her room....With Lyn still sitting at the edge of the bed watching her walk away..

Lyn: Beyonce...?

Bey: *turns around* Yea?

Lyn: *sigh*....Goodnight.

Bey: Goodnight.

It is now 2:30am. Bey goes back to the guest room and gets her phone out...She looks and sees that she has 30 missed calls...and they're all from Jay...

Bey: Oh my God....

She decides to Call Jay back...

Jay: Hello...

Bey: Jay...?

Jay: Baby where are you?!?! I have been worried sick..

Bey: Dont worry..I am safe and I am okay.

Jay: Well thats good to know! But where you at?

Bey: *silence*

Jay: Uhhhh Hello? B' You still there?

Bey: Yea Yea...*nervous giggle* Don't worry I'm fine and I'll be home in the morning!

Jay: You need me to come and get you?

Bey: *answering quick cutting him off* NO!

Jay: Uhhhhm Okay?

Bey: I mean I'm sorry...But No you don't have to...I'm okay.

Jay: Okay well see you tomorrow, Love You!

Bey: Alright baby love you too!

She turns the lights off and finally goes to sleep...

It is now the next morning and Bey is getting ready to go home. Lyn begins to help her gather her things so he can get ready to take her home.

Bey: Lyn Baby thanks for everything! Thank you for your hospitality because you didn't have to do all that you did.

Lyn: Yes I did...Because I Love you. *smiles*

Bey: Awww. well, Thanks again!

Lyn and Bey begin to head out to the car to take Bey home...However, Lyn becomes worried thinking that Jay will be home and see him bringing her.

Lyn: Uhh Wait isn't Jay home? He's gonna see me dropping you off!

Bey: Nooo. He's not home right now, he had to be at work early today.

Lyn: Oh, alright.

It is now 30 mins later and they arrive at Beys house.

Lyn: Well, I guess this is Goodbye. I don't know if I'll be with you again this time...I don't have as much confidence that I will, like I did the first time. So, yea GoodBye...Have a good life. *smirks and becomes teary eyed*

Bey: *stares at him with tears in her eyes* I'm sorry it has to be like this. But, I still love you...Nothing will ever stop me loving you. Bye Lyn.

Bey goes in to kiss him one last time, they begin to kiss nonstop then finally Bey slightly pushes away and gets out. Lyn is just staring at her with tears in his eyes as she is walking up to her door. Finally Bey goes in, waves goodbye one last time and closes the door as Lyn drives off heartbroken.

It is now later in the night and Jay has just arrived home.


Bey: Hey Baby I missed you too!

Jay: Where were you? Where have you been this whole time?

Bey: I just stayed over Solo's house...You know, to clear my mind.

Jay: Oh well I'm glad you're okay! I was so worried!

Bey: I know. Sorry.

Jay: No baby I'm sorry for coming off as controlling. Its just because I love you so much and I just don't want to lose you...Ya know?

Bey: Yea baby I love you too. Lets just forget about all the shit and start over.

Bey begins to kiss Jay nonstop as they walk to the couch and flop down continue tonguing.

Jay takes off Beys shirt and pulls his pants down. As Bey takes his shirt off and begins rubbing on his chest.

Jay: Oh babyy it seems like its been forever!

Bey: *deep breath* I know baby...Please continue!

Bey: Wait you gonna put onna condom right?

Jay: What for?

Bey: Please...For me?

Jay: *sigh* fine...

So Jay stops to get one and then puts it on...

Jay then begins to enter Bey, and starts off Deeper and Deeper without asking her because he knows by now how deep she likes it. But accidently goes in way too deep.

Bey: Ahhhhh Jayyy Jayy stop stop please real quick!


Bey: *gasp* Yea just a little...You know I like it deep but not that deep.

Jay: Sorry baby...I'm so sorry!

Bey: Its okay.

Jay then begins to massage it with his hands to take away the pain.

Jay: How's that feel?

Bey: Mmm it feels so good baby! Sooo Soo Good!

Jay then replace his hands with his mouth massaging all around and sucking her whole body with his luscious lips. Then moves up to her boobs and continues to do the same.

Bey: Ohhhhh Ahhh yesss I'm loving it!

Jay: Mmmm baby you taste soooo good!

Bey: *giggles* I know!

Jay then begins to start stroking in and out of her again...Faster...And Faster...And Faster...

Bey: Ohhhhhhhhhhh *Screams* Ahhhhhhhh Yasssssss! *deep breath sweating bullets*

Jay: Ahhhhh *moans* Faster Bey? FASTER?


Jay begins to go harder and deeper making Beys lacefront swing every which way.

Bey: Ohhhhh Baby that felt so good!

Bey then begins to lick down Jays body, all the way down then begins to suck his package...

Jay: Ohhhh baby I forgot how Good you were at this!

Bey: Mmm...Mmmhhhhm...yea?

Jay: Yep...*moans*

Bey begins to stroke and lick faster and more rough...

Jay: Ohhhh a little rough aren't we?

Bey: Oh sorry *giggles* is it too rough?

Jay: Noooo Keep going!

Jay grabs onto Beys hair and guides her head up and down faster.

As Bey continues Jay finally busts nut all in her mouth....


Jay: Oops sorry baby *laughs*

Bey then stops and begins to randomly think about Lyn again...After all, she did just have sex with Lyn not too long before this.

Bey sits up on the couch pondering.

Jay: Baby what's wrong?

Bey: Nothing...Nothing at all. Just a little tired.

Jay: Okay baby you wanna go to bed?

Bey: Yeah. I am a little sleepy...

So they both head up for the bedroom cuddling up and falls asleep.

It is now weeks later and Bey has been feeling extremely nauseous. She is really hot and feels as if she's going to throw up.

Jay: Baby you alright?

Bey: No...Not really. I feel sick.

Jay: Want me to fix you some chicken noodle soup?

Bey: Yea...Please.

Jay: alright.

Jay is done fixing her soup and brings it up stairs to her...Right when he gives it to her Bey throws up everywhere.

Jay: Shiit...Baby you need to go to the doctors.

Bey: *holds stomach* Nooo *deep breath* I'm fine.

Jay: Well okay, if you say so.

It is now into the next week and Bey is still becoming more and more sick. She is feeling fatigue and extremely lethargic sleeping in the whole day.

Jay: Baby I really think you need to go to the doctors.

Bey: Yeah, I know...I do, I feel so miserable *Sigh*

Jay: do you need me to take you now?

Bey: No you can go ahead to work, I'll take myself later.

Jay: Alright B' I'll see you later.

Bey: Okay bye baby. *kisses Jay on the lips*

It is now afternoon and Bey finally decides to go to the doctors.

She sits in the waiting room for a while then they call her back.

Doctor: Hello. So whats the problem?

Bey: Well I've just been feeling extremely sick. Nauseous, Lethargic, Fatigue, and been missing my cycle...Ya know?

Doctor: Mmmhhhm. Well that sounds like you're pregnant.


Doctor: Yeaaa. We can do a pregnancy test to make sure but you've been having unprotected sexual intercourse?

Bey: Uhhh no?

Doctor: Sure about that?

Bey is sure...until she remembers how Lyn wasn't protected when she did it with him...Now she is beginning to panic hard and breathing extremely hard sweating bullets.

Bey: Uhm well it was actually this one time.

Doctor: Mhm? Well ya know thats all it takes is "ONE TIME"...well we're going to do a pregnancy test.

Finally the test shows up positive.

Doctor: Beyonce Your Pregnant *smiles*


Doctor: Well, sorry but you are.


Bey: Bye I gotta go!

Doctor: Okay, good bye.

Bey storms out of the doctors office thinking about how she's suppose to tell Jay. I mean afterall, she knows its not his baby because Lyn is the only one she's had unprotected sex with.

Bey: *cries* I can't believe this shit...Why me!

It is now later and Jay is now home. Jay asks Bey about the doctors.

Jay: So what did the doctor say?

Bey: *nervous* Uh nothing! I mean Oh uhm she just said I just had a little food poisoning and just take the prescription medicine and I'll be fine. Yea.

Jay: Oh alright. Well I'll be back I'm going to the store, you need something?

Bey: Uh No.

Jay: Okay, see ya! *Kisses Bey on the forehead*

Bey: Bye.

Bey goes and sits on the couch looking down and begins to burst out in tears.

Bey: What am I suppose to do...What am I suppose to do!

Bey then decides to call Lyn and tell him...

Bey: *Sniffs* Hello? Lyn Baby? Hi.

Lyn: *confused* Uhhh Hey whats wrong? why are you crying? Did Jay hurt you again?!

Bey: Noo! Nooo...I have something to tell you.

Lyn: Uh What? What is it Bey?!

Bey: Lyn...


Bey: *takes deep breath* Lyn Baby I'm pregnant!

Lyn: *speechless*

Bey: Hello? Baby are you there?

Lyn: Uhhh yeaaa...I don't know what to say!

Bey: Yea I'm pregnant and I'm pretty sure you're the father.

Lyn: How do you know?

Bey: Because you're the only one I had unprotected sex with! *cries*

Lyn: *under his breath* Shit!..

Bey: *talks really fast* I know I'm sorry it's all my fault! I'm the one that was so eager to have sex with you eventhough you kept asking me was I sure about this and now I'm pregnant and Jay is going to kill me and MOST DEFINITELY going to kill you and I don't know what to do or how to tell him! *takes deep breath and begins to cry harder*

Lyn: Baby...It's gonna be ok. We're gonna get through this...I promise! And I'll be there for you...We're gonna get through this together! Okay?

Bey: Yes but you know how Jay is! I can't tell him...I just can't!

Bey and Lyn just sit there in silence on the phone as Bey continues to cry and Lyn is sitting there pondering thinking about the outcome of all of this drama.